


Purpose and principles of operation

FORRA™ is a digital system created by experts in the field of maintenance, designed to comprehensively optimize the management of tangible assets, improve the reliability of equipment and reduce maintenance costs.

  • Monitoring and diagnostics

    Monitoring and collection of data on the condition of the serviced equipment is carried out by regular operational personnel using modern diagnostic and control devices and original checklists developed based on the experience of our MRO experts.

  • Digital certification

    In order to monitor the actions of personnel, NFC tags and unique QR codes are used to identify the serviced equipment, which ensures the preservation and access to complete information about the unit, including process maps and the history of repair impacts.

  • System integration

    Integration of diagnostic tools with a mobile application ensures prompt receipt and automatic transmission of data on the current state of equipment to the analytical module of the FORRA™ digital platform.

  • MRO Analytics and Management

    The FORRA™ Digital platform Master system provides:

    • Data analysis and processing
    • Planning of service works
    • Automatic documentation
    • Issuing recommendations to staff

FORRA™ provides the entire range of MRO work, while creating a single information environment for data storage and analysis that unites all participants in the service process.


Сreated by experts for you

FORRA™ is a complex of effective solutions developed by experts in the field of service maintenance for managing material assets of enterprises, planning and reducing maintenance costs.

The modular desuign allows you to form the optimal configuration of the system according to the goal/performance ratio, ensuring the rapid deployment and implementation of the complex at the Client's enterprise (facility).


  • Operational

    FORRA™ includes a wide fleet of modern portable devices for performing operational diagnostics and measurements of controlled parameters (current, voltage, temperature, vibration, etc.) of equipment operation by contact and non-contact methods.

  • Integration
    with devices

    For effective monitoring of controlled parameters of equipment operation, the FORRA™ platform implements seamless integration of diagnostic devices with mobile devices of operational personnel using Bluetooth technology.

  • Predictive

    The use of predictive analysis algorithms makes it possible to perform predictive assessments of the state of aggregates based on accumulated historical data, preventing emergencies and equipment failure.
    FORRA™ today is thinking about tomorrow.

  • Modular

    The FORRA™ digital platform is a modular structure that makes it possible to scale up and scale the system, allowing you to form the optimal configuration for specific conditions of use and customer requirements.

  • Information

    Digital solutions based on FORRA™ technology do not use direct access to the Internet and the entire system can be deployed on the Client's local servers, ensuring complete confidentiality and protection of information.

  • Adaptation
    and customization

    As experts in the field of maintenance, we are well aware of the specifics of the work of enterprises in various industries and are ready not only to adapt existing ones, but also to offer (develop) custom solutions for specific Client tasks.
    FORRA™ is a flexible approach.

  • Outside
    the reality

    In the FORRA™ digital platform, innovative technologies and diagnostic and control tools, including VR, AR & MR hardware and software, as well as neural network-based algorithms, are widely used in solving service and personnel training tasks.

  • Relevance
    and innovation

    The FORRA™ digital platform is constantly being improved based on the introduction of the latest service technologies and scientific achievements in the field of predictive analysis, software solutions, diagnostic and control hardware.

FORRA provides a clear vision for the whole maintenance business processes and ease of management for the Client, providing a wide range of functions for monitoring and analyzing the status of MRO resources, including statistical data and detailed reporting.

Any other questions?



regarding the acquisition of a license and the introduction of FORRA™ products, contact the general distributor:
Azimsoft Software Design (license No. 1074224)

Product site & system support for registered users:



Azimsoft Software Design
Property no 14-11-5, 3, 2 street Al Qouz 1, Hadaeq Mohammed Bin Rashid, Dubai, UAE. Makani No 22841 85046

    +971 56 457 4862

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